Ziplines Education, 2023 – Current

Course Instructor, Project Management (Contract)
  • Provide feedback and coaching to live session participants
  • Slide development and customization including: customize topic-related slides, create/update a learner activity, discussion, and/or breakout session, review of learner questions/prepare for discussion
  • Participate actively in the Slack Channel, including, but not limited to, contributing to discussions and replying to learner questions
  • Deliver subject matter expert level instruction on the following topics: Get Started with Project Management, Manage Stakeholders, Plan and Scope, Create a Project Plan, Get Started with Agile Project Management, Manage Budget, Cost, and Resources, Manage Risk, Monitor Progress and Control Quality, Lead the Team and Resolve Conflicts, Evaluate Project Success
Project Management Expert – Course Creator (Contract)

Creator and asynchronous instructor for two core modules of Ziplines Education’s Project Management course, offered at accredited universities across the US.

Stakeholder Management module objectives:

  • Identify and effectively manage key stakeholders at all company levels.
  • Learn the art of team management, leveraging leadership techniques for motivation, and navigating tough stakeholder conversations.
  • Create a toolkit for building successful stakeholder relationships

Monitor Progress and Control Quality objectives:

  • Excel at project progress tracking, manage scope creep, develop quality management plans, and create effective project documentation and reporting.

Newsela, 2021 – 2023

Director, Project Management
  • Built the inaugural Project Management as part of the Divisional Project Management Office within the R&D org of a high-growth education technology company; this results-driven and outcome-oriented team was instrumental in delivering large cross-functional product and technology initiatives.
  • Implemented new processes, frameworks, and tools that drove an increase in overall delivery rate across R&D, going from <%50 to 78%; in collaboration with divisional leadership further iteratively improved processes to focus scalability and repeatability.
  • Led a team of 8 ICs and 1 manager; established individual and team goals, supported by regular feedback cadences, ongoing 1:1 and teamwide coaching, monthly professional development and quarterly career conversations as part of a commitment to continuous learning and improvement
  • Worked with leadership across the company to identify challenges, gather feedback and implement structures to decrease cross-functional friction, reduce miscommunications and accelerate our ability to deliver on business deliverables
  • Skillful management of team restructuring increased capacity to deliver
    existing project streams without backfilling previous leadership roles or adding
    headcount to the team

Workrise (Formerly RigUp), 2020-2021

Program Manager, Workforce Training Development
  • Led inaugural team-wide initiative to implement project management practice across the team, utilizing Confluence for documentation, and timeline and milestone tracking. Adoption of project management frameworks resulted in successful rescoping of initiatives
  • Developed robust project planning process designed to evaluate project scope, timelines, and outcomes prior to resource commitment; implemented a continuous improvement process to review project status updates and make resource allocation/timeline adjustments as needed
  • Led efforts to ingest information from multiple systems into Snowflake in partnership with Data teams; developed reporting to QA new data sources; created executive dashboards in Tableau to provide visibility into field worker training compliance aimed at reducing risk and optimizing spend across the org

SVAcademy, 2019 – 2020

Senior Director, Program Operations
  • Managed Program Operations staff and oversaw the building and continuous improvement of program operations, including lead ways to automate and reduce time on operational tasks across the business resulting in increased ability to scale; evaluated and implemented new systems, including Confluence and JIRA
  • Designed improved data collection processes and tools used to predict
    cohort growth and instructor and mentor staffing
  • Built, consolidated and iterated on current processes, documenting all relevant parts of the SV Academy operating model to create a framework for rapid growth

General Assembly – 2016 – 2019

Director, Consumer Operations
  • Develop and drive initiatives to meet program quality health metrics,
  • including a 19% decrease in withdrawal rates YoY and a global NPS of 40+.
  • Develop GA’s customer experience strategy, manage implementation and adherence across all global campuses
  • Direct management of Consumer Ops team members; matrix management of the Student Experience and Campus Operations orgs, 30+ team members across 16 campuses, servicing 8,000 PT and FT students
  • Work cross-functionally with HQ teams to design a  frictionless customer experience, continuously improve local and global program quality, and ensure programs meet regulatory guidelines.
Manager, Global Consumer Operations
  • Partner with internal teams on program management best practices, change management initiatives, product updates and new product rollouts which account for $2 million in revenue
  • Define program health metrics and complete weekly analysis of market performance; triage issues and provide recommendations for improvement that resulted in a 10% decrease in student withdrawals
  • Identify opportunities for training and development at the individual level for Student Experience and Campus Operations team members, which lead to a 2 year retention rate of 80% and an employee NPS of 58
  • Develop monthly PD sessions and provide ongoing group professional development focused on individual excellence; improved customer response times by 20%
Campus Operations Specialist
  • Evaluate and revise processes to create scalable and sustainable infrastructure across 15 global campuses; drove 100% adoption of Front email system to support customer touchpoints, implemented unified response SLAs for all customer communication including the automation of multi-faceted pre-course onboarding to new programs.
  • Develop standard operating procedures for all aspects of the student experience; establish global baseline health metrics and remediation processes for campuses, create weekly campus level reporting for leadership.
  • Train local operations teams on systems and procedures to support program quality and student experience. Identify knowledge and skill gaps; design workshops and supporting documentation to address them
Operations Specialist, Instruction
  • Ensures that teacher evaluations and instructional quality are consistently conducted and tracked in a system
  • Train local operations staff on instructional best practices to support local instructors and student learning
  • Creates Individualized Education Plans by partnering with operations staff and instructors at every campus without a special-education trained staff member
  • Generates weekly reports on instructor data and analyzes key instructional metrics

Ascend Learning Charter Schools, 2015

Operations Specialist
  • Operational and academic data information system deployment
  • Support the purchasing and regular inventorying of required curricular materials
  • Support data and analytics and curriculum teams in ensuring that assessments are ordered, administered and that data is captured into academic data systems
  • Support the network operations team on an administrative basis, with scheduling, general administrative and data entry tasks

Catapult Learning, 2010 – 2015

Data and Compliance Supervisor

In addition to all tasks associated with my position as Data and Compliance

  • Directly supervise data for team of 90+ teachers including identifying and fulfilling training needs, provide feedback and suggestions to Instructional Supervisors and Regional Directors
  • Develop and implement Operational and Compliance procedures inline with company and client expectations
  • Continually modify procedures to address changing client, staff and corporate requirements and policies
  • Visit sites to ensure teacher compliance to Title I guidelines, identify, address and resolve issues
Data and Compliance Coordinator
  • Review and modify current procedures to accommodate ever changing situations while remaining in compliance with DOE guidelines
  • Complete monthly invoicing spreadsheets for multiple programs; follow up with 200+ staff regarding various required documents, including student rosters, schedules, testing, etc
  • Create, distribute, track and recombine spreadsheets including inventory forms, supervisor site visit reports, student enrollment reports, attendance reports
  • Verify information in DOE student information tracking system with teachers, counselors, supervisors for End of Month submission to Dept
  • Manage data for company wide student information tracking system (ex. getting student/school info into system, entry of pre/post tests, printing/distribution of student plans and Group Grids)
  • Create training documents for initial training and ongoing school year
  • Provide and revise monthly enrollment reports and comparisons for TVPs and Finance Depts
  • Respond to DOE inquiries in a timely manner (missing documents, verification of student information, staff emails, supervisor schedules, parent involvement, etc)
  • Assist in coordination of distribution and/or collection of reoccurring assessments and certifications
Data Entry Administrator
  • Entering, tracking and verifying information related to our program using two separate proprietary systems
  • Creating and executing computer based trainings for 150+ employees
  • Identifying and solving problems in order to align data to set guidelines
  • Gathering, formatting and presenting information in various outputs including pivot tables, spreadsheets, Word documents and PDFs
  • Providing administrative support to the Title I program (including answer phones, emails, faxes, etc)

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